Hotel Tayka de Sal , Bolivia

Hotel Tayka de Sal is located on the northern shore of the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia, at the foot of the Tunupa volcano and at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level.

Its location next to the Salar, the Tunupa Volcano and the village of Tahua allows short walks in its surroundings and to experience the many natural and cultural attractions of the region.

The Hotel Tayka de Sal is located two hundred meters from the village of Tahua at 3700 meters and is placed at the foot of Thunupa volcano on the north shore of the Salar de Uyuni.

It was built with blocks of salt extracted from the Salar, on a promontory that dominates the whole region and offers unparalleled panoramic views of the area.

Hotel Tayka de Sal - Tahua, Bolivia

The Tayka de Sal hotel is completely built of salt blocks.

The roofs are straw brava, traditional material of the Andean roof. The rooms and circulation areas take advantage of solar energy to maintain a pleasant climate inside the hotel.

Hotel Tayka de Sal - Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia

At night, on very cold days, the internal temperate climate is reinforced with an integral heating system in the rooms based on radiators that circulate hot water and emit heat.

Due to its strategic location in this part of Salar, Hotel Tayka de Sal offers a wide range of cultural activities and communion with nature throughout the region.

Hotel Tayka de Sal Rooms:

Hotel Tayka de Sal Rooms
Hotel Tayka de Sal Rooms

Tayka de Sal

Travel Tips
Plan your trip as far in advance as you can. Last minute travel is stressful to plan, and can often end up being more expensive.
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